Blazer Stories

Q & A with Teresa Bertelli

Teresa Bertelli is the Coordinator of Counseling Services at JWCC.


What made you choose your career field?

I have seen people struggle with mental health personally and professionally.  I was uncomfortable with it. I wanted to help, but I didn’t know what to do.  I saw a specialized area I could grow in and went that direction.


How long/ what is path did you take to get here? 

I like to tell students, not everyone has a straight, direct path to their goal.  I took a very windy path to get to where I am today.  I failed college twice in undergrad.  I was lost, didn’t know what I wanted to do, and struggled with mental health.  I eventually took some time to figure myself out, found a passion in life, went back to school, graduated, and later went back to complete my Master’s degree.


Why did you choose John Wood?

John Wood was an internship opportunity for me.  I chose to intern in two different areas of concentration in order to get a variety of experience.  Initially college counseling was never on my radar for a career option.  Thankfully, my internship allowed me the opportunity to explore the field of college counseling.  So do an internship people!


What does your job entail?

I do one-on-one talk therapy with students.  I offer free, confidential, personal counseling.  Sometimes we problem solve, sometimes its venting, other times its working through issues we have carried with us for a long time.  My job is to provide a safe place for students to talk about ANY personal problems, so that they can be successful in the classroom.  We have seen time and time again, where personal problems have impacted their academics.


How can students get in contact with you?

Students can call me, stop by my office, or email.  The best way to get a hold of me is by email.


My office is in room D030-in the lower level of the D building, at the end of the hall past the auditorium


What does John Wood Community College mean to you?

I have love for John Wood.  We are here for the students, trying the best we can to provide a good experience the students.


Interview done by PRM student worker Olivia Hanson.