Loan Information

许多学生依靠联邦政府贷款来资助他们的教育. 这些贷款利率很低,不需要对抵押品进行信用检查. 学生贷款还提供各种延期选择和延长还款期限.

Whether you are a new or returning JWCC loan borrower, 我们强烈建议您花时间阅读并理解所提供的所有贷款信息. 了解所有的贷款细节和计划现在将有利于你整个大学和以后.

Student Loan Repayment Rights & Responsibilities

你的学生贷款是你为你的教育欠下的债务,你应该像对待其他类型的债务一样对待它.  For example, a loan used to buy a car or a house.  As with any debt, 即使你没有完成学业,你也有责任全额偿还贷款, get a job, or feel you did not receive the educational or other services you purchased.

为了成功偿还学生贷款,你需要管理好自己的财务状况.  If you plan for repayment now, 你会在财务自由和内心平静方面收获巨大的收益.

Start by getting organized.  如果你还没有在一个地方组装所有的贷款文件,现在就做!  检查这些文件,以确保你了解你所有的财务义务.

Next, develop a budget.  Begin by estimating both your starting salary and your living expenses.  在计算你的开支时,不要忘记预算你的学生贷款的月供.

你和你选择的贷款人为偿还学生贷款建立的条款必须符合某些联邦指导方针.  当您第一次获得贷款时,这些指导方针已在主本票上为您概述.  Here is a summary of those guidelines:

  • Your payments are expected each month.
  • 每月最低还款额为50美元,但根据总本金金额可以更高 & interest.
  • Your lender must give you at least five years to repay your loan, unless your minimum monthly payment pays off your loan before that time, or you request a shorter repayment period.
  • You may prepay your loan at any time without penalty.
  • 如果你成为完全和永久残疾或你死亡,你的贷款义务将被取消.

Stay in touch with your lender.  如果你的个人情况发生变化,你有责任通知你的贷款人.e. change of address, name, etc.)

Before your first payment is due, your lender will send you a repayment schedule telling you how much you owe, the amount of interest you will pay during your repayment period, what your monthly payments will be, when they will be due, and how long it will take to repay your loan in full.


Student loans are not dischargeable through bankruptcy.

如果你不能每月付款,立即联系你的贷款人,以避免违约.  Alternative repayment options may be considered, as well as deferment or forbearance depending on your circumstances.

一旦你的学习时间降至一半以下或预期从JWCC毕业/转学, you are required to complete Exit Loan Counseling.  这将解释“退出”学校后会发生什么,包括还款选择. You may complete Exit Counseling at the Direct Lending site:

Consequences of Default

  • Your credit rating and ability to borrow any loans will be seriously damaged.
  • You may lose future eligibility for financial aid and/or student loans.
  • You may be sued and court costs and legal fees will be added to what you owe.
  • Your Federal Income Tax refund may be withheld.
  • Your professional license renewal for certain occupations may be denied.
  • Your employer may withhold part of the salary for payment of your loan.
  • Your assets may be taken away from you.
  • 一旦贷款被宣布为违约,你就不再有权获得任何延期或豁免.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it matter if you have received student loans in the past?

Yes. 如果你从多个贷款机构或其他联邦学生贷款项目获得学生贷款, 你有责任通知财政援助办公室和你的贷款人beta365你的其他学生贷款. In some cases, you may not be eligible for loans for which you have applied.

What is the current interest rate?

Rates are subject to change July 1 of each year.

自2023年7月1日起,直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款固定为5.50%.  Direct Parent PLUS Loans are fixed at 8.05%.

Are there fees associated with borrowing a Stafford Loan?

Fees are subject to change October 1 of each year.

As of October 1, 2020, the Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans have a 1.057% origination fee.  Direct Parent PLUS Loans have a 4.228% origination fee.

What is the school’s Cost of Attendance (COA)?

The COA is the estimated cost for you to attend JWCC.  Included in the COA are estimated costs for tuition, books, transportation, personal expenses, and room & board.  Your total financial aid award from all sources cannot exceed your COA.

What is the Student Aid Index (SAI)?

Your Student Aid Index (SAI) 财务援助专业人员在创建援助offer时是否使用索引号. Your SAI is calculated using information that you (and other contributors, if required) provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Your SAI is not:

  • a dollar amount of aid you’ll receive
  • what your family is expected to provide, or
  • your final financial aid offer


您以前从其他贷方借入的任何贷款将由您在签署原始MPN时选择的贷方/服务机构提供服务. After graduation, 你可以选择为你的直接贷款向你以前的贷款人和教育部单独付款, 或者你可以把你的贷款合并到教育部的一次付款中.


As long as you are enrolled in school on at least a half-time basis, your prior year federal loans will continue to be deferred. 学校定期向贷款人报告入学信息.

What are the student loan repayment options?

There are several repayment options available for student loans:

    • Standard
    • Extended
    • Graduated
    • Income Contingent
    • Income-Based
    • Income-Sensitive
    • Pay as You Earn (PAYE)
    • Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE)

Please visit the Federal Student Aid website for more information as well as a repayment estimator!

What steps should I take to obtain a Parent PLUS loan?

Under the Federal Direct PLUS loan program, 家长可以借到学生教育的全部费用减去其他经济援助.  Credit checks are required.  However, the Direct Lending Program uses a more lenient credit assessment.


After you have completed an application for the PLUS loan, JWCC将把您的信息提交给教育部进行信用检查.

How do I contact the Direct Loan Program?

The U.S. 教育部直接贷款项目客户服务电话是(800)848.0979.

Direct Loan Program Website:

Student Loan Facts

  • 必须保持令人满意的学业进步,才能获得贷款资金.
  • 你必须通知财政援助办公室的任何变化,以你的时间表, whether adding or dropping classes. Schedule changes may impact your eligible loan amount.
  • 收到的所有经济援助资金必须用于与您在JWCC学习计划相关的教育费用. Financial aid will be used first to pay tuition and fees at JWCC.
  • If you withdraw from classes after receiving Federal financial aid funds, you may be required to return all or a portion of the funds received. You may owe charges on your account not covered by the adjusted awards.
  • 您必须以书面形式向财务援助办公室报告从beat365平台以外的来源获得的奖学金或助学金. (WIA, GAMM, DORS, Foundation Scholarships, etc.)
  • You may not receive financial aid from two schools at the same time.
  • All financial aid is awarded for one academic year only. You must reapply for financial aid each year.
  • Classes that begin late within a semester may delay disbursement of a loan.
  • 开放学习中心课程的开始日期必须在支付经济援助之前确认.
  • Loan funds are delivered in two equal disbursements per semester.

After Loans are Processed

  •  You will receive an email notification once your loans have been processed.
  • 请务必仔细阅读发送给您的所有信息,并将其保存在一起以备将来参考.
  • If you do not understand some or all of the information, please contact us and we will do our best to explain the information.
  • Loan funds come directly to the school for further processing. Two disbursements are issued for each semester.
  • Problems and delays could always occur, so try not to plan your living expenses around your expected loans.
  • Once the school has received your loan funds, 您将收到一封电子邮件通知,说明贷款已正式申请到您的帐户.

Exit Counseling

  • 学生借款人必须在毕业或离开学校前不久完成退出咨询.
  • 这些在线课程解释了有关补贴贷款和无补贴贷款的基本事实,以及学生作为借款人的权利和责任.
  • 这些信息将帮助你了解如何管理你的学生贷款和承诺,随之而来的接受学生贷款.
  • You may start your exit loan counseling session by visiting the Direct Loan website.